ayment Policy

Secure Transactions with SSL Technology

At RGHB, we prioritize your security during online transactions. Our site utilizes 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, which ensures the safest and most secure shopping experience. This technology encrypts sensitive information, including passwords and credit card details, to protect your data from unauthorized access. Every form on our website is protected by SSL, maintaining the security and confidentiality of your personal information.

PCI Compliance

We adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), a stringent standard designed to secure payment card information. RGHB is certified as Level 1 PCI DSS compliant, the highest level of certification available. This compliance demonstrates our commitment to safeguarding your payment information and ensuring a secure transaction process. We conduct regular site inspections and compliance checks to uphold these standards.

Accepted Payment Methods

We accept the following payment methods:

American Express
All prices on our site are listed in US Dollars. Payments are processed securely through Stripe’s payment gateway, which ensures that your payment information is handled with the highest level of security.

Payment Information Handling

Upon completing your purchase, RGHB only has access to your billing information, shipping details, order specifics, and the last four digits of your credit card number. Your full payment information is not stored or visible to us, ensuring your data remains protected.

Thank You for Shopping with Us!

We appreciate your trust in RGHB. Our commitment to your online security means that you can shop with confidence, knowing your information is securely encrypted and handled with care. If you have any questions or concerns about our payment policy, please feel free to contact our customer service team.
Thank you for shopping with us!

Contact us:
[email protected]
Phone:+86 16756335456